Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Playing around with posting pics

If any of you go onto my blog site and wonder what is going on, please don't be alarmed. I have been practising uploading pictures onto the blog and I haven't yet worked out how to delete the pics. I also have wonderful news about feteaccompli. It is posting as I blog away. The site is now fete-accompli. I don't know what the glitch was with the original but all is going swimmingly. Will get back to my uploading and deleting of pics.



Istvanski said...

To delete pics, you have to go to "edit post", place cursor under the actual pic and just hit the back-cursor button.

I do it often by mistake.

Read, my lips are sealed said...

Thanks for that. I am never sure if I have overstepped copyright rules and need to know how to get rid of a picture if I have.

rockmother said...

Blimey - I didn't know that - is it a PC thing?