Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Now I am really grumpy

Sorry chaps and chapesses but I have asked for help with feteaccompli and got not a response. It is still not up and running. If this is what happens in bloggerland I am about to give it up. I know my last two blogs were quite boring but absolute silence is also too boring. So if I hear nothing in the next couple days I'm gone.

Very grumpy


rockmother said...

I'm sending people your way - it takes time in bloggerland - don't give up.

Istvanski said...

I wish I could be more help with this, but I'm wondering wether this is solely affecting RoModad's computer (some kind of virus perhaps)? Can you post on feteaccompli using another PC?

Annie said...

don't give up! they are sometimes slow to respond but they do eventually. But if not, fetaccompli could just start up a new one...

Geoff said...

Yeah, it's best if he starts up a new one. There are no limits to the number of blogs you can have (I've got several).

West said...

You're welcome to use my comments page to post on Readmylipsaresealed.

No one else does...

L.U.V. on ya,


Arabella said...

How's it going now?

Read, my lips are sealed said...

Thanks for all the comments. I think when I went in the last time I saw you can change the blog name. Perhaps I will just try to alter it. The problem seems to be on feteaccompli blogger page. I would delete the whole thing except he would lose his email address. Will try to have him up and blogging by next week.

rockmother said...

He shouldn't lose his e mail address - I've got 4 or 5 blogs under the same e mail address and they all come up on my main page once I've logged in giving me the option to alter any one of them. He'll lose the blog name but just alter it slightly - fetaccompli for example.....I know it's a bit reminiscent of Greek cheese but probably marginally better than divorce due to internet language failure xx

rockmother said...

PS: thinking about it - if you delete the blog then you will be able to go back in and use original spelling. I know feteacompli is taken already though. xx

Jag said...


rockmother said...

Crikey - 11 comments - that's good going!xx